Director : Ang Lee
Genre : Adventure, Drama
Cast : Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan and Adil Hussain
'Life Of Pi' is a 2012 released movie which was made based on a novel of same name written by Yann Martel and published in 2001.The book is still one of the international best seller.If you read the book you will understand that it was not that easy to convert that book into a movie.
Movie tells the story of a young man from India who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor ... a fearsome Bengal tiger.You might have understood this much from the trailer itself.But the most interesting part is the amazing visuals he comes across on his adventure.What makes this movie best is it's tricky climax.It's not a suspense but it's very tricky.You should watch the movie to know about it more.Even if i tell you everything you won't feel anything because this movie friends,is a visual extravaganza.It will be the best movie which utilized visuals this much after James Cameroon's 'Avatar'.
Movie has some amazing Computer Graphics and the Tiger in most of the part in the movie is created using Computer Imagery and is beautifully,realistically animated.They have used the real Tiger in only one or two shots.Many other animals in this movie is also created using CG.I'm really glad that
Ang Lee the director of the movie didn't showed 'cow-on-almost-everywhere' and sitar music as BG score while showing India.Unlike all other so called 'talented' hollywood directors and cinematographers,he tried to show India more in a realistic way with no cliche scenes.When it comes to showing the real India in English films,even
Speilberg movies sucks!.
At the end of this review all i can say is that,don't miss this movie and don't forget to watch it in 3D.Take your whole family to the movie because it's a must watch and once in a lifetime kind of opportunity.You should watch it in big screen.I highly recommend this.
Life Of Pi Oscar Controversy (Updated on 26/02/2013)
Now that the movie has won three Oscars i would like to say some facts here.90% of the movie was shot in a swimming pool with blue matte.And all those beautiful scenery, Tiger and most of the other animals you see is computer generated Visual effects created by a team of very talented artists from some of the best VFx studios around the world.Since most of the surroundings are computer generated,this movie doesn't deserve an award for cinematography.It is a shame full fact that the cinematographer Claudio Miranda shamelessly accepted the award and the directer Ang Lee thanked the pool crew in his acceptance speech and didn't even mentioned once about the Vfx artists.Without Vfx Life of Pi would have never happened.When the Vfx team was giving the acceptance speech they were interrupted by music and were shooed away.This is a black mark in the history of Academy awards/Oscar.
Some of the Vfx is shown in below video.Sorry i had to post this if you haven't watched the movie yet.I will suggest to make a bookmark of this page and go watch the movie,then watch the VFx reel.So that it won't ruin your movie watching experience.